
Aug 14, 2010 by


Welcome to Fairy Tale Coaching! Thank you for taking the time to stop by. This is a somewhat new venture for me, this public blogging and attempting to share the things I’ve learned through the years, but it’s one I’m excited about and I hope you’ll grow with me through the ups and downs and learning curves of all new ventures.

You can find out more about me on the About page, but just as an introduction, here’s a little about me and what led me to start this site:

I’m currently a legislative attorney for the State of Nevada. Before going to law school, I was an adjunct member of the English Faculty at Loyola Marymount University, in Los Angeles. I taught  English to freshmen and sophomores and helped them hone their writing skills, while pursuing an acting career.  For various reasons, including a proposal of marriage and a feeling that my acting career was going nowhere, I moved to San Diego and went to law school.

I loved law school.  Whatever I might say in intervening months or years about the practice of law, law school was phenomenal. I did trial team (which was basically acting, while applying legal principles to fictitious facts) and was a comments editor on the Law  Review, helping other students craft well written comments and research papers, and I was the Teaching Assistant for my Torts professor, working with struggling first year students to help them find their feet.

…Are you noticing a pattern? I wish I had a little earlier.

Fast forward a few years, and I’m working in an office where outside interaction is rare, drafting legislation, and feeling a little bit cut off. All those things I loved to do seemed to have flown out the window.  Piece by piece, though, and through a great deal of soul searching, I started finding the missing pieces.

I got involved in the local theater community, going from actress to director to Vice Chairman of the Board , and making a lot of friends in the artistic community.  I focused in on my creative writing and finished a novel and kept going after that. I got a part-time position with Kaplan, teaching LSAT prep and helping aspiring law students have a better chance at reaching their goal–getting to play teacher, coach and mentor.  I started training to be a life coach with the Coach Training Alliance, and looking into various paths to certification. I explored various avenues to continue my own education, revisiting the love of English Literature and writing, and considering where that takes me next.

And now I’m starting this blog, reaching out to the community that I’ve learned so much from, hoping to grow alliances and friendships among similarly minded people, and starting the process of giving back as much as I have gained.  There were a rough few years there, and some dark nights of the soul, but I’ve come through them stronger, happier, with a surer sense of my purpose and place in the world, and making sure to include indulging my passions in my life on a daily basis. The journey is on-going. I’m not where I want to be, yet. But I’m firmly on my path, and I hope to be able to shine the light back and help you find your path, as we grown and learn and laugh together.

I can’t wait to get to know you and see how far the limitless possibilities can take us all.

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